Empowering Change

We provide educational resources for employers to support successful collaboration with employees of varying abilities.

Clothing Pop-up Shop

Our team manages clothing pop-up locations throughout the summer in the Brainerd Lakes Area

Employer Training

Our team will collaborate with yours to optimize workforce potential

Recycling Rotation

A community project our team is committed to in the Brainerd Lakes Area

About Us

Give the opportunity to succeed

If you’re unsure about your path in life, sometimes you need to be surrounded by folks who understand and can help motivate you to get going. That’s where the concept of “catapulting into life” comes in. It’s all about taking that first step, getting up and moving, and embracing new experiences and people. It can be scary to step outside of your comfort zone, but you don’t have to do it alone.

We’re here to support you and help you along the way. Whether you want to try a new hobby, meet new people, or explore a new job or activity, we’ve got your back. Don’t worry about those first few steps – we’ll be with you. With a bit of courage and a willingness to try new things, you never know where life might take you. So, let’s catapult into life together and see what adventures await!

Employer Training

Learn to support your employees

If you want to improve the utilization of a particular workforce group in your organization, we are here to assist you. Our team provides consulting and education services tailored to your requirements. We can also help connect you with exceptional individuals seeking employment or volunteer opportunities.

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about our services.

Our Impact

The impact we have made in our community

We have helped countless employers gain insight into a loyal, prompt workforce that never calls in sick and always gets the jobs done. If you need help learning what motivates and incentivizes your workforce, reach out today and become a Partner Organization.

People served
Projects completed
Workers placed
Partner organizations

Our Partners

Get Involved

Start A Conversation

If you’re interested in joining a group or completing a community project with our team, we’d love to talk with you, your family, or your care team.

If you are an employer who would like more information about training, start the conversation here.

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